Address: 35 Tuas West Ave Singapore 638433
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    Contact Info

  • 120A, Los Angels, United States
  • 999 000 666 222

Company Overview

Santoku BASF Pte. Ltd. is a join venture formed between BASF, Santoku Chemical Industries and Mitsui & Co. Ltd to produce Ultra High Purity Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2).

To meet the demands for the chemical in the semiconductor industry and associated industries in Singapore and ASEAN, the plant was established in Tuas Singapore.

A PIONEER project in Singapore, the facility employs the most advanced technology to ensure that the product meets today and future needs of customers.

The produced H2O2 is guaranteed to be of the highest quality with maximum trace impurities at 10 parts per trillion (ppt), which represents a new dimension in terms of contamination reduction and control. The company is currently supplying to all major wafer fabs in Singapore.

Date of incorporation
 : 11 October 1997

Start of Operation : 30 November 1998

Santoku BASF Pte. Ltd. is a joint venture between three companies:

  • BASF SE (Germany)
  • Santoku Chemical Industries Co., Ltd (Japan)
  • Mitsui & Co., Ltd (Japan/Asia Pacific)